
Did your Amazon listing get changed on you?

ASIN Watcher keeps you in the loop on important changes to Amazon ASIN details in the Amazon Catalog.

We check ASINs every day.

You get an email in your inbox.

Log into our portal and see several days of history.

Download history to XLSX spreadsheet.

It's so annoying to not know if something changed on your listings.

If the dimensions or weight change, you are going to end up paying more fees.

Or, even worse, if the title changes this could make your PPC ads far less effective -- costing you more on PPC spend and you may get fewer sales!

Don't be caught unaware again.

Click the Free Account button, below, to get started.

Pick the "ASIN Watcher" option when you get to that stage.

Click the Free Account button, below, to get started.

Pick the "ASIN Watcher" option when you get to that stage.

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What ASIN Watcher Does for You

How it works

It's really easy.

  • Enter the ASIN into our portal.   (If you know how to click a button and your cut & paste, you're already and expert!)
  • Sit back and relax.
  • You'll get an email every day when there are any changes.  (No changes = no email).

But just in case you don't get to your email, you can also log onto our portal, and see a history for a few days in one screen with everything listed.

From the portal, you can also download the entire history over the past few days into an XLSX spreadsheet.

See?   Easy.

What We Check

  • Title
  • Dimensions (Volume)
  • Weight
  • Brand
  • Manufacturer
  • Part Number
  • Product Group
  • Binding
  • Product Type

(and more are coming because people are telling us what is important to them and we're going after it!)

How much is it?

Here's the great thing.  This is super cheap.

Get started with a FREE account (no credit card required), and add 50 FREE ASINs to your watch list.

Need to track more?   Great!  Here are our prices:

  • 50 FREE ASINs + 50 More = $ 7.99 USD/month.
  • 50 FREE ASINs + 150 More = $ 9.99 USD/month.
  • 50 FREE ASINs + 450 More = $ 13.99 USD/month.

For most of you, if you avoid missing even 1 sale, the most expensive plan totally pays for itself!

Get Started NOW

There's really no reason to not get started.

50 FREE ASINs.  Not a trial.  Actually use it forever for no cost.

Try it out.

If you don't like it, just cancel.


Click the Free Account button, above, to get started.  Pick the "ASIN Watcher" option when you get to that stage.

Check out these Real Examples

We've added some "analysis" notes below each of these examples on the website, but those don't appear in the ASIN Watcher email or history on the portal.

We just put those here as examples of how to interpret the results.

ASIN Example 2

Analysis: A good change - LEGO Number the customer would see on the box is being updated in the catalog -- which is more user friendly and more accurate anyhow.

ASIN Example 1

Analysis: A bad change - This is insane!  Over double the weight and almost triple the dimensions!  Would highly recommend a cubiscan with Amazon Seller Support for sure.   (Or remove one and check yourself.).

ASIN Example 3

Analysis: A neutral change - Volume (dimensions) changing a smidge bigger... Not enough to impact to the bottom line to care, but good to know anyhow.

ASIN Example 4

Analysis: A bad change - Clearly some bad actor is trying to steal this ASIN on Amazon Mexico with fake details for Jeans instead of this shoe.   Better get on this one!

Click the Free Account button, below, to get started.

Pick the "ASIN Watcher" option when you get to that stage.